Kevin Krause (Class of 1993) Runs 100 miles under 24 hours!

Perseverance – continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition.
Dedication – the quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose.
Hard work – a great deal of effort or endurance.
We are still shocked and surprised that when you look up those words you don’t see Kevin Krause’s face in the dictionary, yet! Many of us when planning for our birthday celebration, we select a date and time, keep a date, decide on a theme, plan your guest-list, determine budget, hire a venue, book entertainment and extras and invite your guests.
Well, Kevin did none of that… he decided to run 100 miles on his 50th birthday! In his words:”This was something that I have been thinking for a while now and wanted to do this!”
With full support of his family and friends, on Wednesday December 23rd 2020 at midnight Kevin started his first mile! Temperature was ~ 34 degrees Fahrenheit, wind WNW 13 MPH, clear skies.
By 6 AM temperature stayed at 32 degrees Fahrenheit with a wind WNW 14 MPH.
By noon temperature increased to 42 degrees Fahrenheit with a wind WNW 5 MPH
Evening was progressively becoming colder and colder, temperature was decreasing to 28 degrees with a wind switch WSW 4 MPH.
At 9:30 AM Kevin already ran 52 miles and was running ahead of schedule…He finished his run by 8 PM – Way ahead of schedule! To celebrate we gathered around the fire-pit and celebrated Kevin’s extraordinary feat!
Congratulation Krause!

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