2012 USLA Mid-Atlantic Regional Championships

Each year lifeguards who patrol the beaches throughout our region come together to compete in the USLA Mid-Atlantic Regional Championships. The purpose of such an event is to showcase the skills and knowledge it takes to be a lifeguard. The day is filled with action-packed events that can’t be seen in any other forum. So grab your camera and head to the beach. The venue is located directly in front of Rehoboth Beach Patrol Headquarters on Baltimore Ave. and Rehoboth Ave. For all participants, please read the text below as it will prove helpful in preparing for the competition.
Mid Atlantics (non craft) Rehoboth, DE – July 11, 2012
USLA Nationals – Cape May, NJ – August 9,10,11 2012
All Women’s – July 25th – 2012
2 Mile Beach Run
400 Meter Surf Swim
Swimmer Rescue Race
Landline Rescue Race
Rescue Board Race
4 x 100 Soft Sand Run Relay
Beach Flags
Surf Dash
Participants must be in good standing as defined by the by-laws of the United States Lifesaving Association and must have a chapter affiliation. Proof of USLA membership must be submitted upon registration. A $25 registration fee is required for this event.
Competition beanies are optional in every event.
Heats: There will be no more than 15 competitors per event. (Except Run-Swim-Run)
The order of age groups will always be Open, Women, Senior, Master, and Veteran. Masters and Veterans may be combined.
Masters/Veterans events will be run as finals in the morning and not be restricted to the 15 per event rule.
Open USLA Members of all ages
Women USLA Females of all ages
Senior Women USLA Females 30-39
Senior USLA Members 30-39
Master USLA Members 40-49
Veteran USLA Members 50-59
Super Veteran USLA Members 60 and older
Awards for each event will be distributed following the conclusion of that event, once results are final. All awards must be picked up on the day of the event from the grandstand. Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals will be awarded in the Open Division.
The competition course is located in the center of Rehoboth Beach’s Boardwalk, between Baltimore and Rehoboth Avenues. The dimension of the beach changes weekly due to the effect of the pounding surf. The beach has a 25-35 degree drop to the surf line. Bordering the course on both sides are wood and steel groins. Both extended 20-30 yards into the ocean. For a current view of the beach conditions visit our beach cam.
All competitors entered in Open, Women, Seniors, Masters and Veterans divisions will race at the same time. The race is a 2 mile run on hard sand: 1 mile out and 1 mile back.
All competitors will race the same 400 meter swim course. The Open Division will lead the swim, followed by the Women, Seniors, then a combined Masters/Veterans Division. Competitors will start from a line on the beach, run into the surf, swim around all ten multi-colored flags, swim back to the beach, and run up to the finish line. The competitors must maintain an upright position while crossing the finish line. USLA officials will hand out placement sticks in accordance with finishing positions.
Each team will consist of a victim, who will be waiting at a buoy, 150 meters from the shore, and a rescuer with fins and a rescue can. At the start of the race, the rescuer runs into the surf line with fins and a rescue can and swims out to the victim. At the buoy, the victim grabs the rescue can with both hands and is towed ashore by the rescuer. All competitors swim the same course.
The event is an Open Division Only and each team consists of 4 competitors: a victim at a buoy, a rescuer, and two landline pullers. At the start of the race, the rescuer who is attached to the landline will swim out to the victim waiting at the buoy. Once the victim’s arm is raised, the landline pullers shall commence pulling both victim and rescuer back to the beach. The victim must hold onto the rescuer at all times, but is permitted to kick while coming to shore. All 4 members must then cross the finish line in contact with each other in their designated lane.
This race starts with a swimmer/victim, who swims through the surf line to an assigned buoy. Once at the buoy, the victim pulls the lane marker to the water to signal the paddler to enter the water. The rescuer must paddle a rescue board through the surf line to the victim. Once at the buoy, the rescuer must circle the flag and pick up the victim. The two competitors must then tandem-paddle back to shore where they must finish as a team, in contact with the board, in their assigned lane. The race is Open Division Only.
All competitors will race the same 200 meter run, 400 meter swim, 200 meter run course. The Open Division will be the first to start, followed by the Women, Senior, then combined Masters/Veterans Division. Competitors will run 200 meters around a beach flag and back, swim through the surf line, around the two middle flags of the swim course, and back to shore where they will complete the final 200 meter run leg to the finish line.
This race is Open/Women’s Only. Two competitors line up at opposite sides of the 100 meter run course. The first runner starts with a rubber baton and runs 100 meters and hands off to the second runner. The second runner runs the opposite direction to the third runner and hands off the baton. The final runner completes the 4 x 100 meter relay when he/she crosses the finish line in an upright position in his/her assigned lane.
This is an individual event where the winner is determined by elimination, there always being one less flag (a modified piece of rubber hose) than competitors. All competitors line up by lying face down in the sand with their feet at the starting line. On the start command, the competitors rise, turn, and sprint to flags that are 20 meter away. All competitors race the same course. Competitors may register for more than one division. Heats will be established based on the number of contestants who register for the event.
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