Smith Point Lifeguards visit Guardian Angels of the 106th Rescue Wing

Smith Point Lifeguards visit Guardian Angels of the 106th Rescue Wing.
Pararescueman (PJ) are the recovery experts in the USAF’s Guardian Angel (GA) Weapon System. The mission of a PJ is to save lives and aid the injured. PJs are USAF operatives tasked to rescue, recover, and medically treat personnel in humanitarian and combat environments. They are the only members of the Department of Defense specifically organized, trained, and equipped to conduct personnel recovery operations in hostile or non permissive environments as a primary mission.
Because of the unique nature of this job, PJs receive exceptional training and qualifications in a variety of combat search and rescue techniques. additionally, PJs are among the most highly trained emergency trauma specialists in the US military and must earn and maintain an emergency medical technician paramedic qualifications throughout their career. Their motto, “That Others May Live,” reaffirms the PJ’s commitment to saving lives and self-sacrifice. Without PJs, thousands of service members and civilians would have been unnecessarily lost in past conflicts and natural disasters.
Captain Marty Viera (’86) gave a tour to 18 SP lifeguards.
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