People from throughout the USA and visitors from throughout the world visit surf beaches. A “surf beach” is considered any beach with breaking waves. Anyone who visits a surf beach, whether at the ocean or large bodies of water like the Great Lakes, is exposed to the danger of rip currents. They are the #1 hazard at a surf beach, leading to tens of thousands of rescues by lifeguards and over 100 drowning fatalities every year in the United States.
We would like to help educate our Suffolk County Patrons, using the USLA and NOAA’s materials, about how to stay safe at beaches where rip currents form. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the U.S. Lifesaving Association (USLA) have created this toolkit to support the work of all advocates for beach and ocean safety to help us expand our reach to as many people as possible, so that the number of rescues, injuries, and deaths can be minimized.
First, we encourage you to learn more about rip currents from two official sources.
United States Lifesaving Association’s rip current website
National Weather Service’s rip current website
Here are downloadable signs, brochures, stickers, posters, and other materials that promote rip current safety. They have been carefully designed by experts in the field to provide clear and accurate safety information.You are welcome to use as needed, at no cost, as long as you don’t modify the content.
NWS encourages state and local governments, municipalities, beachfront organizations, chambers of commerce, and all others to download and print any of the materials above. You are welcome to include your organization’s logo or name. This life-saving message was vetted by a team of meteorologists, coastal scientists, and lifeguards and may NOT be altered.
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