OUTER BEACH UPDATE: This afternoon, Tri Hamlet News received the following statement from Legislator Kate Browning,
“I had a meeting today with the Suffolk County Parks Department, County Executive Bellone’s staff, Fish and Wildlife Services and Congressman Bishop’s staff was on the phone. Fish and Wildlife Services are the ones calling the shots. Fish and Wildlife LI Field Office can be reached at 631-286-0485. I urge everyone to call this with their concerns.
They are keeping it closed for now because of four piping plover nesting areas that are still on the outer beach. One nest is very far west, which is why they can’t open a section of the outer beach. The County Parks Department, the Bellone administration and I all agree the public should have access, but Fish and Wildlife are not in agreement. In fact, Fish and Wildlife want to further restrict access to boaters and foot traffic in the area. Fish and Wildlife are being completely uncooperative.
I am very angry and pursuing all options. One option is finding out what the consequences are if we defy Fish and Wildlife and open the outer beach anyway. I doubt this will be possible, but I am inquiring. I am also having discussions about the ongoing sale of permits. I will provide more information as it becomes available.”
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