John Andrejack Jr. completes U.S.A.F. basic training

John Andrejack Jr. of Jamesport has completed U.S. Air Force basic training at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas, where he served as Element Leader in his unit. John graduated with the rank of Airman, First Class. He received the National Defense Award for enlisting during wartime and the Air Force Training Ribbon for successful graduation.
Andrejack, 24, is currently undergoing technical training in Bioenvironmental Engineering at the United States Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio.
Andrejack graduated from Riverhead High School in 2008, then went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in biology from Wagner College in 2012. He enlisted in the New York Air National Guard as a Bioenvironmental Engineer.
Andrejack is the son of John and Jackie Andrejack of Jamesport.
Congrats Anderjack!
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