2012 World Lifesaving championships (a.k.a. Rescue 2012)

The 2012 World Lifesaving championships (aka Rescue 2012) took place in Adelaide Australia from Nov 7-11th. The competition was strong and deep but we faired well. Brianne advanced to the “B” finals (9-16) in both flags and the sprint, and I made it to the “A” finals (top 8) in both. We both performed well but looking back we both know there was things we could have done better.
Here are the results:
Beach Sprint (100m)- Advanced to “B” finals, finished 5th in final, 13th in World
Beach Flags – Advanced to “B” finals, finished 3rd in finals, 11th in World
Beach Sprint Relay – Women advanced to “B” Final, finished 5th in final, 12th in World
Beach Sprint – Advanced to “A” Final, 7th in World
Beach Flags – Advanced to “A” Final, 8th in World
Beach Sprint Relay – Men advanced to “A” Final, 7th in World
Team USA:
Pool Events – 21st
Beach Events – 5th
Overall – 11th
After the competition finished, we relocated to the Gold Coast in Queensland, AUS for a month to train with the world renowned Kurrawa Surf Club sprint team. Kurrawa coached by Ryan Hoffman and is the home surf club for nearly every world champion sprinter and beach flagger from the past 10 years. The training was great and the experience was unbelievable.
B. Costello
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