East Hampton Ocean Lifeguard Tournament 2012

Written by:
Rod Woodhead
Smith Point Wins East Hampton 26th annual Ocean Lifeguard Tournament
Smith Point lifeguards competed at the 26th annual East Hampton Ocean Lifeguard Tournament on July 19th and had another amazing performance. Smith Point guards were dominant scoring points in almost every event against the 9 other teams competing. All of the events that took place during this tournament require training, strength, agility, determination and confidence. This tournament is a perfect way to display the skills it takes to be an Ocean Lifeguard by applying them to competitive events with other lifeguards across Long Island. The Lifeguards show off their skills in plenty of events, including simulated rescues, relays, a long distance swim, and 2k in the soft sand.
The tournament initiated with the longest of swimming events, the distance swim. This event is very competitive fast paced 500 meter swim and you must have endurance to be able to win this event. Our very own Kevin Konarski won this event, followed by Douglas Russell taking third and Krista Narus placing fifth.
Following this was the soft sand 2k beach run. Donato Geraci took 2nd followed right by Joe Pluhowski, Courtney Dooley took 2nd place for the girls. Landline rescue was the next event which is a large team effort and a very challenging event. Chris Costelloe and Ian Fogarty, who placed 2nd at nationals in 2011 for this event, swept the competition with their new line swimmer Kevin Konarski and Tom Daly as victim.
The first time ever competing in Landline as pullers, Rob Popdan and Blayne Jackolski and their team of victim John Foley and swimmer Bryan Woodhead took 6th place.
Smith Points rescue board relay, which is always action-packed also, had a good placing taking 3rd. The soft sand 4×100 relay was won by the Smith Point Men, and the Smith Point Women’s team placed 2nd. The run-swim-run relay was won by Smith Point A team, and the Smith Point B team came in 3rd. The Smith Point women brought home the beach flags with Courtney Dooley placing 3rd, Nicole Lo Meli with 2nd and Sandi Woodhead took 1st.
As you can see these tournaments show that Smith Point Lifeguards are very determined and give their jobs and competitions 100% effort. National Tournament is coming up in a few weeks… Will team green repeat?? Those runs and duney entries are critical, so when you feel sorry for yourself and your legs ache, your head pounds and you want to crawl back into bed, think green for six!
For more pictures, please click here.
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